
Grad from NC State, working at Epic Games. Tech, Games, and Motorsports are my driving forces.

Raytracing 2


Aanish Bhirud

My second attempt at ray tracing. I followed the ray tracer challenge by Jamis Buck

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Level Design

#Gaming#Raytracing#Solo#Graphics#GameDev#Unreal Engine 5

Aanish Bhirud

An opening cut scene for a level I made.

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Aanish Bhirud

My first attempt at raytracing, following the book Ray Tracing in One Weekend by Peter Shirley

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Learning CSS


Aanish Bhirud

First try developing a webpage to look good without a template

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Reaction Impact Update


Aanish Bhirud

An update to my in progress documentation site for Genshin Impact

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Reaction Impact


Aanish Bhirud

A documentaion site for Genshin Impact

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F1 Tool

#Formula 1#Python#Solo

Aanish Bhirud

A quick tool to optimize strategy in the Codemasters F1 game

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